With the power of the purse and the power to make law you, and your division of government, cannot look to the Judiciary or to the Executive for an excuse to refuse to comply with the Law.
“preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and Laws
of the United States and of this State”
That is the only duty for our Legislature that exists as a mandate, a command, an order, as The Law of our Texas Constitution. It is your first order of business. It is the job you were elected to perform. Will you? Will you comply with the Law?
HOW can our constitutions and laws be preserved, protected, and defended? There is only ONE (1) way. That is by compliance with our Constitutions and Laws. Compliance by those who we, The People of Texas, have entrusted with the powers of government.
We, The People of Texas, gave your, Our Legislators, the greatest powers of government. You are the only division of government to which we have delegated the power to make law. You are the only division of government to which we have delegated the power of the purse. Therefore Your division of government is the only one with the power to comply directly and unilaterally without the consent of the Judicial or Executive. It is your duty to do so when they refuse or fail honor our god given Rights secured in our Texas Constitution with their own compliance.
You not only have the power but you have the duty to comply with the Law in our Texas Bill of Rights that secures for me my God-given Right to Remedy and Restitution for my property loss and injuries. WILL YOU?
With the power of the purse and the power to make law you, and your division of government, have the power to enforce our Constitution and Laws with a demand for compliance by the Judicial and Executive Divisions of Government. When they violate the Law you can cut funding and call them before you for a hearing to impeach and even for removal from Office. You have a duty to demand they comply with our Constitutions and Laws as the means to preserve, protect, and defend them.
The Final Judgment setting the amount of Remedy and Restitution due Ed Heimlich is FINAL. Mandates issue only after the Appellate Process has come to conclusion. A ‘reversal’ was not – legally – possible. Furthermore; My Right to Remedy and Right to Restitution are inviolate Rights excepted from the powers of government. All laws – or ‘interpretation’ of law to the contrary are void.
You have no excuses available. You cannot look to the Attorney General (Executive Division) or to any memorandum opinion’s interpretation of your law as an excuse to deprive me of what our Texas Constitution says is due me. The only question is whether or not you will Honor your Duty to The People of Texas with compliance with what the Law of our Constitution requires of you. Will you?
Delivered to each Senator and each Representative, along with a Senior Member of their Staff, who serves on the Legislative Budget Board and those who serve on the Governing Board of the Legislative Council on August 13, 2018